Charlotte ISD Canvas Login
Apr 12, 2020
Click on the link or image below to access the Canvas Login Page for Charlotte ISD students and staff.
Charlotte ISD Curbside Meal Survey
Mar 15, 2020
Curbside Meal Survey SURVEY: Please help us spread the word! Charlotte ISD will be providing curbside meals to any CISD student 18 and under. An ID number is NOT required but the child must be present to receive a meal. Breakfast/Lunch will be served from 9:00am-12:00pm daily, Monday-Friday. Pick-up will be at the High School Cafeteria gate. In order to keep this service going, we would like to have an estimate of participation. If possible, please fill out the form below to help us. This is kept confidential . . .
A "mobile-friendly" website
The Charlotte ISD web site is now adaptable for viewing on all mobile devices! The good news is you have a choice on your viewing preference. The next time you view our website on a tablet or smartphone, our web site will automatically detect your mobile device, display the mobile view and will remember it each time you return. If you change your mind, look for the “Full Site/Mobile” button on the footer of the web site to toggle back and forth. In addition to view choices, our new mobile view offers . . .